Sky Runner Free

4.9 ( 2679 ratings )
ゲーム アクション アーケード
開発者 Zuka Games LLC

Tilt your device to move your plane left or right as it runs through the environment. Your goal is to collect as many rings and suns as you can to get the highest score before losing both hearts. Avoid enemy parachuters and other obstacles to last as long as you can each round.

Unlock Special In-Game bonus items. Once items are unlocked pick them up during the game to receive extra bonus points and special powers to help you last longer in the game. Special items unlock at 10,000 point, 20,000 points, 50,000 points, and 70,000 points.

Besides the 4 in game bonus items that you can unlock there are 28 achievements that can be reached. Do you think you can make it to first place in the Sky Runner Leader boards? All this is available through Open Feint. So why not compete to be number one.

You can tap the screen at any moment to pause the game. The pause screen will also show you the Bonus items youve unlocked so far.

How to Play

Tilt your device to move your plane left or right as it runs through the environment. Your goal is to collect as much rings and suns as you can to get the highest score before losing both hearts. Avoid the enemy parachuters and other obstacles to last as long as you can each round.
You can tap the screen at any moment to pause the game. The pause screen will also show you the items youve unlocked so far.


Collect these to increase your score. If you collect them sequentially (try your best not to miss any!), youll get significantly more points (also known as a "combo").


Suns (or equivalent themed items) give you points, but dont give any bonus points for collecting them sequentially (combos). Rather, suns are worth more depending on how long youve lasted in the round.

Items: Balloons

Items are unlocked when you reach specific score thresholds (10k, 20k, 50k, 70k). Once unlocked they look like little Colorful ballo0ns. When you pick them up during a game, they provide a score bonus as well as an effect that will help you last longer in the round. Each color represents a different special power. Items unlocked in easy mode do not show up in medium or hard mode.


Last long enough and youll cross a checkpoint. Youll earn 3,000 points every time you cross a checkpoint, and even more starting on your fifth checkpoint in a single round. Your Plane will move faster every time you cross a checkpoint (making the game harder) so earn as many points as you can before reaching them!

Things to Avoid

Avoid all of the following enemies and obstacles (as well as equivalent themed objects):

Enemy Parachuters

These enemies move towards you and will cost a heart if they manage to touch you. These little guys will be the source of most of your Sky Runner frustration.


If you touch a rocket, whether it was intentional or on accident, you lose both of your hearts and the game is over. The only exception is if you pick up the Invincibility or Destroy On Contact balloon items and their effects are still active. In easy mode, you lose only one heart.

Air Ship: Blimp

Running into these will cost you a heart. Note that when you pick up the Destroy On Contact balloon item, this is the only obstacle that can still deal you damage.

Hot Air Balloon

Running into these will not only cost you a heart, but some hard-earned points as well.

Thank you for playing Sky Runner! We hope you enjoy it and wont let its sheer addictiveness consume your life... too much.

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